Audeara news

Book Review: Music and Hearing Aids; A Clinical Approach – Marshall Chasin

Book Review: Music and Hearing Aids; A Clinical Approach – Mar...

I hold Canadian audiologist Marshall Chasin at least partly responsible for my discovery of audiology. Many years ago (while trying to figure out what the ringing in my ears was all about) I devour...
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5 healthy hearing habits your future self will thank you for

5 healthy hearing habits your future self will thank you for

Noise is all around us. What we might not realise, is that some of our favourite sounds, the formula one cars trackside, Bernard blasting through the speakers in the stadium, they can carry with th...
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Stapes – the coolest bone in the human body

Stapes – the coolest bone in the human body

Did you know the adult human has over 206 bones in their body? Of these, the smallest and lightest is the stapes. The stapes is one of three tiny bones that make up the ‘ossicles’ in the middle ear. 
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9 ways to make your workplace Hearing Healthy

9 ways to make your workplace Hearing Healthy

At work and home, when a hearing loss or background noise is present, our brain needs to work harder to separate the two and determine what we should be paying attention to. Straining to concentrat...
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Winter is coming… Why our ears ache in the cold

Winter is coming… Why our ears ache in the cold

With a recent drop in temperature and cold weather setting in (by Queensland standards at least!), the hot topic of conversation in the office this week (inspired by 2 days of sub-20 degree tempera...
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Audeara #goblueforautism

Audeara #goblueforautism

This month, Audeara are going blue for Autism. Kicking off with World Autism Day last week, April is Autism awareness month and Autism Queensland’s annual #goblueforautism campaign. 
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