Audeara news

How to make your virtual meetings more accessible to make sure your message is heard

How to make your virtual meetings more accessible to make sure...

In a face-to-face meeting participants are likely to use any combination of their residual hearing, lip reading, body language, physical cues, hearing aids and Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs). I...
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8 ways to improve listening for children in the classroom

8 ways to improve listening for children in the classroom

Hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to hear and understand language, to produce speech and communicate effectively with their peers. When hearing loss goes undetected, children may disengage ...
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Hearing Awareness Week at Brisbane Grammar School.

Hearing Awareness Week at Brisbane Grammar School.

To cap off Hearing Awareness Week, the Audeara team attended Brisbane Grammar School this morning to discuss hearing health and have students create and explore their own hearing profile.
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Introducing World Hearing Day and the World Report on Hearing

Introducing World Hearing Day and the World Report on Hearing

World Hearing day is a global event and World Health Organisation (WHO) initiative held on the 3rd of March every year. This year, World hearing day marks the launch of the World Report on Hearing,...
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Myths Surrounding Hearing Loss, Hearing Devices and Audiology

Myths Surrounding Hearing Loss, Hearing Devices and Audiology

Myths and misconceptions about people with hearing loss are common. They are often triggered by lack of understanding, fear or ignorance and should not impact your perception of the hearing health ...
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Auditory Deprivation: Why not managing a hearing loss might be bad for your health

Auditory Deprivation: Why not managing a hearing loss might be...

While Audiologists and Doctors have been making their case for years, hearing loss is often overlooked as a serious health condition and one in need of intervention. As a result of it’s typically p...
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